Treatment of Eye Injuries and Eye Infections
With over ten years of experience treating eye injuries and eye infections, Dr. Langer has the knowledge and expertise to treat most eye conditions. Below are several common eye conditions that can be treated at 512 Eye.
- Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
- Allergic Conjunctivitis (itchy eyes)
- Corneal Abrasion
- Foreign Body
- Corneal Ulcer
- Hordeolum (styes)
- Blepharitis (debris on eyelashes)
- Subconjunctival Hemorrhages
- Iritis
- Contact Lens Acute Red Eye
If you are seeing flashes of light, new floaters, a black veil over your vision, or a sudden decrease in vision, this is an ocular emergency and may require prompt treatment to preserve your vision. If you are experiencing an ocular emergency, please give us a call.
We typically offer patients experiencing ocular emergencies, eye infections, and eye injuries same day appointments.
We typically offer patients experiencing ocular emergencies, eye infections, and eye injuries same day appointments.
Conjunctivitis, commonly known as “pink eye”, presents with red irritated eyes, sometime accompanied by watering, discharge or itching. There are several viruses and bacteria that cause pink eye, along with allergies. Depending on the cause of conjunctivitis, treatment options will vary.
Viral Conjunctivitis
Viral conjunctivitis refers to “pink eye” caused by a virus. This type of pink eye typically presents with red, watery eyes. While the eyes are watering, this condition is very contagious. It is very important to disinfect any shared items and wash hands frequently to reduce risk of spreading viral conjunctivitis to others. Viral conjunctivitis typically lasts anywhere from one week to one month, depending on what virus caused the infection.
Like the common cold, viral conjunctivitis has no cure besides waiting for the virus to run its course. Several new off label treatments for viral conjunctivitis have recently been shown to be very effective at reducing symptoms. They can also shorten the duration viral conjunctivitis is present. We offer these new treatment options at 512 Eye, in addition to more traditional treatments. Dr. Langer keeps up with the latest advances in ocular medications, to offer the best care to patients.
Bacterial Conjunctivitis
With Bacterial conjunctivitis, another variant of “pink eye”, patients present with red irritated eyes accompanied by green or yellow discharge. Patients with this form of conjunctivitis will often wake up with their eyelids matted shut. Bacterial conjunctivitis is caused by bacterial and responds well to antibacterial eye drops.
Allergic Conjunctivitis
Allergic conjunctivitis typically presents with red, irritated itchy eyes. This condition is treated with antihistamine allergy eye drops and systemic allergy medications.
Corneal Abrasion
A corneal abrasion occurs when the cornea, or front surface of the eye, is scratched. This leads to pain, redness, and sometimes sensitivity to light. An abrasion can occur when something hits the eye, or when a foreign body scratches the eye while blinking.
Foreign Body
Foreign bodies occur when foreign material gets into the eye. This is usually metal, glass, or plant material, but can include any material. Foreign bodies can be painful, often causing eye discomfort and watering. Dr. Langer is trained to remove foreign bodies. Often this gives patients immediate relief of symptoms. If you think something may have gotten into your eye, call us and we will be happy to help remove it.
Corneal Ulcer
A corneal ulcer refers to when bacteria infect the cornea and cause a perforation in the cornea. This typically leads to a painful red eye that may be sensitive to light. Corneal ulcers are common in patients who over-wear their contact lenses or have poor contact lens hygiene habits. Patients can also experience corneal ulcers after being exposed to bacteria in hot tubs or while swimming in contaminated water. Corneal ulcers are treated with antibiotic eye drops. If you are experiencing a corneal ulcer, it is important to seek treatment to prevent the bacteria from spreading.
Hordeolum a.k.a. “Stye”

A hordeolum refers to a bump on the eyelid or eyelid margin caused by a soft tissue infection. This is often caused by clogged oil glands near the eyelid margins. The eyelid often feels sore.
Blepharitis presents with flaky white debris visible on the eyelashes. This is often accompanied by itchy eyelids. Blepharitis is caused by bacteria, or in some cases eye mites. Yes, you read that correctly—mites can live on the eyelids. This can be treated with various medicated ointments applied to eyelid margins.
Subconjunctival Hemorrhage

This occurs when a blood vessel bursts beneath the conjunctiva, which is a membrane that covers the front of the eye. With a subconjunctival hemorrhage, patients often wake up with a bright red eye, with no other irritation or symptoms.
Iritis refers to inflammation that occurs inside the eye. This presents with a painful red eye that is sensitive to bright lights. Iritis may occur after eye injuries, eye surgeries, or from inflammatory conditions like arthritis. It is treated with steroid eye drops.
Contact Lens Acute Red Eye
This condition presents with a red painful watery eye in patients who wear contact lenses. This occurs in patients who do not keep up with proper contact lens hygiene, or in patients who sleep in their contact lenses. It is caused by bacteria that contaminate the contact lens.
If you are experiencing any eye irritation, make sure to stop wearing your contact lenses immediately, as contact lens wear delays proper healing. Many eye conditions present with similar symptoms—redness, watering, and eye pain. Conditions with similar symptoms often require very different treatments.
For instance, steroid eye drops that are very useful in treating iritis may cause worsening conditions in a patient experiencing a corneal ulcer. The only way to get an accurate diagnosis of your eye condition is to visit an eye doctor who can assess your condition with a biomicroscope.
Dr. Langer is very qualified to treat the above eye conditions, along with many others. Please call us at 512-596-5544 to schedule an appointment.